segunda-feira, 4 de junho de 2018

Resultado de imagem para yoga kundalini


Kundalini Yoga is a dynamic form of yoga that awakens awareness. It uses sets of yoga postures, or asanas, and movements called kriyas with meditative focus, breath work (pranayama), and chanting (mantra).
Kundalini Yoga is considered one of the most comprehensive of yoga traditions, combining meditation, the chanting of mantras, movement and dynamic breathing techniques; it encompasses the eight limbs of yoga into a singular practice. The goal is to build physical vitality and increase consciousness. Using sound, breath and posture, Kundalini aims to develop spiritual awareness by freeing the serpent power (kundalini) that is coiled in the base of the spine and drawing it upward through the seven chakras.

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Arcanjo Miguel Ajuda-me

Nath: Arcanjo Miguel Ajuda-me!

Nath: Arcanjo Miguel Ajuda-me!
